5 Responses to The Summer of my Discontent

  1. Your have honoured your Mom so lovingly in this blog. I too was at my Dad’s bedside when he passed (has it really been 5 years ago) and as difficult as it was I would not have missed his passing for the world. He too died peacefully and I too monitored his pulse until he left us. Ultimately it is a journey they must take themselves but we are blessed to have been there to walk them to the door. Grief is a journey that you must take now. It takes times and just when you think you are on top of it suddenly it will ambush you again. Take the time and know, even though it never truly goes away, the pain of it fades and life becomes good again. I have a favourite saying that I stole from Shirley MacGowan. “When someone you love becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure. X0

  2. Hi Jason, my condolences. It is the greatest loss I have had in my life, and I commiserate fully. The sense and loss, and sadness will slowly turn into fond remembrances at the most unexpected times. You will find her still there, but in a very different way. Take care, Bill.

  3. Jason what a summer indeed I am so happy that you have paddled through it and are now better.

  4. Jason, you have written so eloquently this moving and emotional tribute to your mother. I was so fortunate to have had her as my teacher for two years – grades two and seven. I wish I had encountered her on the street in Saskatoon as she would have been a welcome guest at our table. I am sure she has left you with many happy memories to sustain your spirit.